
Poster Presenters
Join faculty and students for poster presentations in a dedicated room with a chat function, so that attendees can answer questions. Poster presentations are a visual representation of an author's research using graphs, photos, diagrams, and a small amount of text in a virtual poster format.
Bedtime Eco-Stories: How Children's Fiction has the Potential to Mitigate Eco-anxiety and Promote Disaster Resilience
The aim of this study is to investigate how reading and writing children’s fiction has the potential to mitigate eco-anxiety and promote disaster resilience in young readers and families. Using writing as inquiry, I analyse contemporary best-selling middle-grader fiction novels that contain themes of ecological disaster and ecological loss.
Joana Avi-Lorie | Student Researcher, University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom)
Innovations to Support Climate Adaptation Across the RISA Network
The RISA program builds relationships that help local decision makers and researchers collaborate on adapting to climate change through a network of regionally-focused and interdisciplinary research and engagement teams. This poster presentation will showcase examples of innovative approaches to collaborative climate adaptation research that support a climate positive future.
Genie Bey | RISA Program Specialist, NOAA CPO CSI (USA)
Caitlin Simpson | Acting RISA Program Director, NOAA CPO CSI (USA)
Using Waste Food to Fuel the Future: Producing Ethanol from Leftover Foods
A persistent issue regarding biofuel has long been the so-called food vs. fuel conflict, where valuable land and resources are used for biofuel feedstock rather than food crops. This research explores the production of second-generation bioethanol from discarded food scraps in an attempt to evaluate its viability as feedstock.
Nina Björkman | Manhattan College (USA)
Caitlin Simpson | Acting RISA Program Director, NOAA CPO CSI (USA)
Prioritizing Underserved Communities in a New Network for Climate Change Communicators
Informal educators at parks and public lands, known as interpreters, play a key role in climate change communication. The Earth to Sky Interagency Partnership invites educators and leaders in underserved urban, rural, and Tribal communities to join our expanding network of regional teams that connect interpreters to cutting-edge climate science.
Geneviève de Messières | Lead, Earth to Sky Interagency Partnership (USA)
Sustainable Climate Solutions for the Mekong Region
Changing climate conditions are amplifying stressors in the lower Mekong River basin’s food, energy, and water systems. The U.S. Department of State seeks to collaborate with local organizations on climate mitigation projects. Our student-led Diplomacy Lab team identified adaptation measures to achieve multiple objectives toward sustainability for each sector.
Shelley Littin | Graduate Student, Systems Engineering, University of Arizona
Samuel A. Myers | Graduate Student, Planetary Sciences, University of Arizona
Understanding Countries' Commitments to a Carbon-Neutral World: An In-Depth Analysis of the 2015 Paris Agreement
This study identifies factors that may account for countries’ varying commitments to the Paris treaty by investigating NDC updates. We employed a mixed analysis integrating qualitative and quantitative analyses across a dataset of 190 countries. It questions the Paris ambition mechanism as a vehicle to achieve the warming targets.
Chan-ho Oh | Student, Langley High School
Younsung Kim | Associate Professor, George Mason University
The Healthy Kid Project
I have been working on curriculum for kids ages 3-8 based on positive climate actions. By increasing the intake of fruits and veggies in our diets, we get the added benefit of reducing carbon emissions and also reducing obesity. My Education kits offer six lesson plans for parents and teachers.
Meagan Fishell | Founder, The Healthy Kid Project (USA)
Developing Best Practices for Minimizing Food Waste at University Campuses
In the United States more food waste is discarded than in any other country. Campus dining facilities and events are huge contributors to food waste. We will examine different food waste reduction initiatives at higher education institutions to identify a set of best practices for reducing food waste.
Yasmin Gulamhusein | Student, Georgetown University (USA)
Dr. Maria Petrova | Assistant Professor, Georgetown University (USA)
Community Livelihoods Resilience Toward a Climate Positive Future
TowardsProtecting landmass from degradation, utilizing ecologically sensitive indigenous and alternative methods for land & water utilization, rejuvenation followed by adoption green energy, biomass conservation can help to achieve important prerequisites for community livelihoods resilience & environmental sustainability & livelihoods empowerment on enterprising mode.
Pradeep Mohapatra | Secretary & Co Founder, UDYAM (India)
Teaching and Learning about Energy in Graduate Level Sustainability Programs
The importance of transitioning to net zero emissions in an effort to support the UN SDGs is well-established. Given the time-sensitive nature of this transition, a concerted effort must be made to educate the next generation of scientists, policy makers, and business managers on the topic of energy.
Alannah Nathan | Student, Georgetown University (USA)
Maria Petrova | Assistant Director, Georgetown University (USA)
Decision Support System for the Identification of Sustainable Transformation Paths Based on a Multi-stakeholder Approach
While the SDGs constitute an essential guiding concept for science and policy, it is less obvious what implications are associated when implementing related measures in a regional context. Using a multi-stakeholder approach, this research illustrates how MCDA can support a transparent decision-making process for identifying regional transformation pathways.
Florian Siekmann | PhD Student, Forschungszentrum Jülich (Germany)